As of tomorrow, we're only 2 weeks away from leaving on our fall roadtrip!!! With my mammoth project at the office (mostly) behind me, I'm really looking forward to the break. It will be weird not being at the office for almost a month, but I think I can hack it!!! :)
True to form I haven't made a single reservation. When you are relying on the autumn color it's hard to know where you should be and when. We like to stay flexible (which sometimes translates to "we like sleeping in our car because we didn't make a reservation and there's a soccer hell convention in every town across America that we need to stay in...."). We've actually had such things happen....often, in fact. One year we stopped at a Wal-Mart in Rock Springs, Wyoming and bought sleeping bags because the ENTIRE STATE of Wyoming was booked because of the pipeline work. I'm not making it up......the whole state really was booked. We drove the entire state stopping in every town that had hotels. We ended up driving almost 18 hours that day to Steamboat Spring, Colorado. I guess that's just the risk you take.
We plan to hit Montana, Wyoming, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, maybe Oklahoma and Arkansas, Colorado and Utah on this trip. We'll be gone almost a month. Unless of course we just can't stand hotel beds anymore and come home early. We haven't taken a trip like this in a year and a half and we're really looking forward to it. We try to do it every 6 months, but we've just been too busy. Hopefully we'll hit awesome color and the snow will hold off. Last time we went Colorado had a very early winter and we got robbed. Oh, we still had fun, but we pretty much missed the color. We're praying for better weather this time.
Only 2 weeks left!!! WHOOHOO!

Well, I wouldn't say you got "robbed"...if that photo reflects your trip at all.
And just remember, anything beats sleeping at Litehouse!
you can't leave for a month, I am going to have to tell John he better rethink this. Isn't there some sort of law that you can't use more than two weeks at a time? :) I'm starting to sound like Scott - wish it was me taking my family, sounds like fun!
I love that shot...what was the name of that mountain??? I might have a good excuse to go to Colorado, and I will have to make sure to go here...
Yes Terah, that is so true..... Sleeping in your car definitely beats sleeping on the floor at Litehouse! :) Hopefully that's behind me for a while. I think I almost gave poor Cindy a heart attack one night.... :)
Lyle: You just mind your business, Mr! I told John the other day that I'm leaving 2 days earlier than originally planned too! Just try to stop me! :)
Lance: Those are the "infamous" Maroon Bells. They're not far out of Aspen. We checked out Aspen, but it was kind of a bust in my opinion. Nothing there but overpriced art and uppity hotels that are hardly worth the $350 a night. If you ever go to Colorado let me know. I'd be happy to share my stash. I have over a dozen books on hiking and scenic driving, 4x4 roads, photography etc. I'm happy to share.
OOooOOoh! Sounds like fun Megan! Wish you werent going for so long, but it'll probably take us a week or so just to clean up your house after we trash it...JUST KIDDING! I PROMISE! :O When you get back, can you school me in landscapes? We're thinking of shelling out for a new wide angle...
That sounds like so much fun! When I was a kid my grandparents packed up me and five cousins ranging in age from 5-10, into a motor home and made almost that same exact trip...
Many memories... I think they were crazy to take us with... but they would still do it again!
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