I'm finally getting around to reviewing some of my images from our trip to San Francisco. First, I have to say....we had an AWESOME time! Thanks to Darla and Rebecca for NOT SUCKING! :) The four of us had a good laugh about "friends who don't suck". Vacationing with other people can be.....let's say, tedious. We're pretty selective about who we'll vacation with. Generally, we fly solo. We love our friends and family, but an entire week or more sharing a vacation with them can be a whole new experience. I wouldn't say that I'm difficult to get along with (others may disagree with that statement!), but I have my ways and they don't always mesh with others. I like to get there, see it and move to the next thing. I don't like to waste my time lingering around the hotel or spend too much time at one location. You might miss something! :) The 4 of us had a fabulous time and no one even hinted at the desire to kill each other. It was a perfect trip. We really enjoyed it. We're now talking about Boston in 2010!
So, that being said, let's talk about our outing to "the bridge". Now, we had never been to San Francisco, but prior to our trip I had done a little surfing online for cool places to shoot. I knew I wouldn't have a ton of time to shoot and that our locations would be limited because we decided to use public transportation instead of renting a car. So, the rest of the group was gracious enough to humor me and make a trip out to the Golden Gate Bridge long after dark. I wanted to shoot the bridge at night because I thought it would offer a cool subject. We weren't sure what the best way to get there would be so we asked the concierge at the girl's hotel if he could assist us in finding the best bus route to the bridge. He looked at us and said, "Now??? You want to go to the bridge, now???". :) I'm sure he thought we were a little nuts. He told us which bus to take and where to transfer. The bus ride took about half an hour I'd say. We waited for our transfer for about 10 minutes so maybe as much as 45 minutes total. When we arrived at the bridge we didn't even get off the bus. It was pitch black out there!!!! There didn't appear to be any lights at all on the bridge. It totally ruined my plan. I was majorly bummed. We just rode the bus back around, transferred again and called it a night. I couldn't believe it!!! Where had all of these beautiful pictures of the bridge lit up at night come from???? Is this the right bridge? Have I completely lost my mind????? I thought it had lights? I felt like a total moron having drug them all out there for a 2 hour bus excursion, in the dark, with the weirdos and for what????
The next day it dawned on me. I didn't just feel like a moron, I WAS a moron!!!! When you're on the bus, the lights are on inside. I'm on the brightly lit bus looking out into the blackness for some monstrously huge bridge that I'm expecting to be brightly lit. The reality of it is that the actual bridge itself isn't lit at all. There are no lights on the uprights of the bridge itself. The bridge is "lit" by huge spotlight style lighting at the base of the uprights. When you're inside a brightly lit "room" (or a bus!) your eyes can't adjust to the darkness outside enough to see the uprights of the bridge. DUH!!! The gang was extremely gracious about the whole episode. We laughed about it the rest of the trip. We also made another 2 hour round trip on the bus back to the bridge and captured this shot. It was cold, it was foggy, it was late.......you were patient. Thank you for not sucking! :)

Cool photo! Glad the trip went so well.
Very awesome photo! Good thing you figured it out! and very nice friends that went back with you! I always feel like a duck outta water carrying the camera around....especially when I have something in mind....
I'm glad you went back. That picture has character. I have always appreciated your gift.
Yes, lovely shot Megan! Worth the trip back for sure. And Craig is right, the picture has personality, and a cool story to match.
Cool photo and awesome story! I am so glad that you enjoyed your trip! And glad that you found friends that don't suck to go with! LOL!
I like the picture too.
Glad you were the one who had to travel to get it so I can just stay at home waiting for you to post for me to enjoy :D
I totally get the vacationing with others thing. It's not something I want to do often. Main reason is agenda conflicts.
I'm totally with you, Megan, about getting the hell OUT of the hotel and going to see what it is I came to see. But I must say, I do like to linger and soak up the places I have gone to see. I don't like to try to pack too many things into one trip.
And, of course, I'm sure you're familiar with feeling pressure from others when you've got your camera and you've run across an interesting subject that you want to tinker with.
We've gone to Colorado with our friend Sam. That was fine, as he's as much of a shutterbug as I am. And when Mark went to RMNP with me a couple of years ago, he made it clear that I was setting the agenda and he was just along for the ride. Which is a good thing, because "agenda" does not well describe my mountain vacations ahead of time. I go there, and watch the weather and my mood and decide in the morning what I'm going to try that day.
When you vacation with compatible people, it can be cool. I've done it with incompatible people before .... and it ... "sucked".
Awesome picture! I need to do more like these....
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